Get Qualified With Sprouts In-Home Childcare
We pay and support you through a NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care Level 4. You will learn how to educate and care for infants and young children in a homebased setting while gaining a formal education qualification.
Qualification Overview
If you have NCEA Level 2 or equivalent this is a great way to start your ECE career. You will study three courses and earn while you learn with Sprouts In-Home Childcare.
This qualification will prepare you for a career as a homebased educator or as an educator working alongside registered teachers in early our childhood education centres.
This qualification will also be useful for people seeking employment in community service organisations that work to enhance the lives of young children and their whānau, families and communities.
Credits: 60
Sprouts In Home Childcare will work with you to apply for study grants and anything else you need. Basically - It's Free!
What you will learn
When you achieve this qualification you will have the skills and knowledge to:
implement socio cultural theories of learning and development to inform the holistic learning and development of tamariki
use the bi-cultural New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whariki as a framework for planning, implementing and reviewing enriching learning experiences for infants, toddlers and young children from diverse cultural backgrounds
contribute to culturally inclusive early childhood environments that nurture the holistic, health, wellbeing and care of infants, toddlers and young children
effectively communicate and engage in respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationship within an early childhood education and care community
manage personal health, wellbeing and professional development in an early childhood setting
demonstrate an understanding of legislation, early childhood regulations, and the role of government and community service in guiding ECE practices that protect and support the wellbeing of children and families
demonstrate an understanding of philosophical and cultural contexts and approaches that inform early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand and the development of a personal philosophy of practice
implement bicultural early ECE practice that promotes awareness of Māori as tangata whenua, through the use of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori with infants toddlers and young children and their families/whänau in early childhood setting.
Contact Us Today
Online Forms
WINZ Forms
Napier & Hastings Office
2b Wilding Avenue,
Marewa, Napier 4110
0800 777 688
Central Hawkes Bay & Dannevirke Office
13 Russell Street,
Waipukurau 4414
0800 777 688